Tendyron Cooperated with Microsoft to Forge First Mobile Banking Application on Surface RT

Tendyron, cooperated with Microsoft to launch the mobile online banking application based on the Surface RT platform, achieving a good combination of mobile online banking application, second generation USB Key and Microsoft’s first tablet. Tendyron became the first company to provide mobile online banking applications and hardware products for the Surface RT.

With Microsoft's release of Windows 8 (including Windows Phone 8, all eyes are on the security and compatibility of the new operating system. This paired with the rapid development of online banking has highlighted the need of better security to protect sensitive transactions. Windows 8 aims to ensure the underlying security behind financial applications to ensure the best possible user experience.

To take advantage of the new Windows 8 features targeted at enhancing security of mobile banking applications, Microsoft chose the largest online banking application provider, Tendyron, as its partner. Together with a leading bank in China, they cooperated to develop a banking application that could take advantage of the new security features from Microsoft and USB the security token from Tendyron to release the first mobile banking application created for the Surface RT.

The resulting product is due to be promoted to a number of banks looking to extend security onto Microsoft’s new platform. It marks Tendyron successfully entering the mobile market and Windows 8 with our second generation security token ensuring that all features of Microsoft’s new operating system can be utilized to the full extent.

Over the years, Tendyron has maintained a close relationship with Microsoft and is committed to improving the stability, safety and compatibility of USB security tokens. Going forward, Tendyron will continue to cooperate with Microsoft to bring leading security to the Surface Pro and Windows Phone 8 platforms.

As a trusted provider of online banking security solutions and USB Key, Tendyron has been focused on the development and application of information security products and security solutions since its foundation in 2004. Tendyron pioneered USB Key products based on "HIP human interactive peripheral" and introduced the world's first second-generation USB Key to banks and enterprises. With security, reliability and service, Tendyron has been recognized by more leading banks including ICBC, ABC, and others. By the end of 2012, Tendyron has provided over 80 million users with a high-quality USB Key products.